Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sour Grapes

great awakenings come from deep slumbers. 
we hibernate in quarries that infect and indulge in our false proprieties. 
we become slender from the lack of sustenance.
 a great necessity that we all find valuable to our survival in this world.
 it was first a seemingly simple commodity.
 one to be forgotten so easily and I was once eager to discard it for some with more bulk. 
I thought I needed more. 
for whom could satisfy with a simple sliver when the entire fruit seems so close a hand.
 we grasp the vines of the grape tree and we all shake it's fruit off in shameless disorder. 
we cause them all to fall and in our foolish excitement we step on those first to hit the ground as we worry more about whats above.
 but that's not to say wine could still not be made from our disregard of what came down first.

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