Tuesday, July 5, 2011


we are omnipotent it seems
we can realize our dreams
we'll transport ourselves through beams
to new territory
we can sow all that we can
which we'll reap,
take our business somewhere else.
and begin our grand tirade
more reaping less sowing.
more watching less showing

more for less.
less no more.

take take take
items galore.

Waste supplies to learn a trade.
Waste our time to get it made.
Waste our chances for a fade.

no less attention can be paid.
to imbeciles with belts and shades.

but now the mountain is to steep
the outliers way to high

it's a 90 degree slope
so now give up all hope

we'll sit and burn with in this blaze
bake until we're done.
and when the timer no longer will run

leave the haze of soft slumbers
into a more real world of unequal opportunities
and inequalities in our learning.

still the slope seems to high.
and our ropes now wear thin.

so retreat to the bin from which night mares are made.

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