To be frank; it must be stated that in my heart of hearts there is a lingering cynicism. One that I have suppressed and ignored like a fastidious child groaning for attention. My mind sees red like a bull anxious for freedom and I am condemned to feel the downtrodden reverberation of a scared, loathsome ego. Nevertheless I have put my distaste for hope aside and written as lightly as I could to express an optimism that I find so treacherously uncomfortable.
Undeserving he strides to the alter.
Strikes a chord and sings his praises.
"My gracious servants... Welcome, my mind is filled with eager expression."
The king coerces his followers.
He seeks a new crown.
The crown of life.
Once so newly earned he strives for more.
Why not of course for divine providence he has gained a kingdom..
So too has the earth a king.
The wise steely smirk of arbitration.
A round for all.
Applause and wine.
Greatness is his legacy.
Greatness his god given gift.
Around it goes again.
The songs of joyous doves anticipate the great revival of the new chosen god.
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